
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Home Made Incubators!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to give you all a quick and affordable way to make an incubator for hatching your chicken, quail, or parrot eggs. I've used this several times and I can honestly say that it works quite well.

How to Build a Chick Egg Incubator


large styrofoam cooler
piece of picture frame glass
dimmer switch
light socket with cord
small electric fan
carpenter glue
small plastic bowl
65 watt bulb

First, take the light socket and place it on the side of the lid that points into the cooler. Carefully cut out a hole the same circumference as the socket. Place the socket into the hole and secure it with carpenter's glue. Place the 65 watt bulb in the socket

Take the picture frame glass and place it on one side of the cooler. Now cut a hole into the side a little smaller than the area of the glass. Carefully place the glass into the hole and secure with carpenter's glue.

Poke about 8 holes on each side of the cooler near the top using the screw driver. These holes are important for incubation.

Place the small fan into the cooler on the top. Cut a small hole on the top and run the cord through it. Fill in any extra space using carpenter's glue.

Place the plastic bowl into one of the coolers corners. Place roughly one inch of water in it. The evaporating moisture from this water will keep the eggs from drying out and assist the chicks in hatching. When the water gets low make sure you refill it.

Place the thermometer on the side of the cooler that faces the window. Make sure the end that guages the temperature is at the same level as the eggs, any higher and you will not get an accurate reading. You want the temperature to read 100 degrees farenheit. If the temperature is hotter, add some more ventilation holes in the cooler. If the temperature is too cool, cover some of the ventilation holes with tape.

Turn the incubator on a couple of hours prior to placing the eggs inside.


Bryan said...

Thanks for sharing this. I guess the breeders will be happy to read this. Anyway how many clutches of eggs managed to hatch through using this home-made incubators?

aisha said...

Well done for all your hard work in providing this high quality blog.
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Bruce said...

Thanks for a great post
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